I wrote a pantoum this morning that I'm choosing to keep private for now. I'll revisit it as I process what it illuminated for me. In this daily practice I don’t want to feel pressured to share. I have promised to unmute myself in my journal.
Instead, I want to share what emerged from this morning's monthly Zoom gathering of The Well FB group.
These calls never fail to inspire! We begin by introducing ourselves and sharing where we are on our creative journeys and what's calling to be expressed. As each person spoke, I jotted down their phrases and fragments of their words, which wove themselves into today's pantoum:
Rest in the unknown.
What do I need to come back to me?
Add in someone else’s thoughts
Draw in the dark
What do I need to come back to me?
What if I make a mistake? The puzzle is missing some pieces.
Draw in the dark.
Take a picture of my shadow. Why not?
What if I make a mistake? The puzzle is missing some pieces.
Add in someone else’s thoughts.
Take a picture of my shadow. Why not?
Rest in the unknown.
I've hosted these Zoom calls since 2019. During the Pandemic, they were weekly, then shifted to monthly as we ventured back out into the world. They continue evolving, just as we do.
I've learned to always keep my sketchbook or journal handy during these calls - the sharing inevitably sparks creativity. Over the past 5 years, I've filled pages with blind contour drawings, often never lifting the pen from the page. Try it - you might discover a new creative practice!"
See you tomorrow, for #9.